Monday, November 19, 2012

CLC NaNo Check In!!!!

Hey everyone! Time to check in again for NaNoWriMo!

Tell me all your info including your word count!!!!

Then tell me how you're enjoying your NaNo experience.

More fun NaNo stuff coming soon.....


  1. I posted an update on my blog this morning:)
    Robin Hall
    Gutter Girl
    YA Contemp
    39, 045 words-so it's coming along better than I expected.
    What I'm learning-every NaNo year is different. I need new motivations and word sprints to keep myself going. Also, I have this inner editor that is harder to turn off.
    I love NaNo-will miss it come Dec.

  2. Ashleigh (Ashleigh.Nicole)
    Cherry Bomb
    YA Contemporary
    35,288 words

    It's so much fun! I've fallen behind (by my standards) in the past few days due to some papers I had to write for school, but I'm glad I went for it again this year after all. This story has been simmering in my head for years and all I needed was some motivation.

    1. Oh that is so cool to hear you've been thinking about this one for years and it's finally getting written down! Nice!

  3. Ilima (ilimaktodd on Nano site)
    These Empty Spaces
    YA sci-fi
    52,909 words

    I won Nano this weekend, but I'm gonna keep going until I finish the book. I am an emotional wreck because I get soooo attached to my characters, and things are tough tough tough right now in the story. But it's worth the diet coke overload and late nights to get this baby on paper. Or laptop. Whatever.


      Oh no! Now I want to know what's going on with your characters. :)

  4. Hannah (Hannah17)
    Something Wicked
    YA Horror

    Still way behind, but hey, that's what Thanksgiving holidays are for! I've got a good grip on the way I want the story to be, and that always feels awesome. Plus I finally broke 25K on the actual MS!(Even though not all of them count as Nano...)

    1. Hey, you're better than me! Great job on all of it!

  5. Suzi
    Never Again
    Contemporary YA
    34,000 words

    Still on track. I got the bare bones of my story done, so now I'm going back in and filling in details and trying to add more emotion and setting. And tying things together. As I do that I'm hoping it'll fill in properly. Plus I have the last chapter to write. So I'm still confident. We'll see in another week.

    1. Awesome! I love when the bones are done! Cause I love fleshing it out!

    Contemp YA
    under 10,000 (ACK!)

    Yes, I am waaaay behind. I've just had these two (non-writerly) projects this month that have taken way more time than I thought they would. I'm actually feeling a little depressed that I didn't get more time for my NaNo project. But something is better than nothing, right? And hopefully life will calm down now. :)

  7. Kate
    Between Paradise and Nowhere
    YA Historical

    I'm happy with where I'm at. No way is the book going to be done at 50K, but I always knew the first draft would be closer to 65. Hoping to get through the 50K mark by Monday. I just wish I loved this story as much as the new idea that's nagging at me... Ah, well. December isn't that far away.

  8. Veronica (v.bartles)
    12 Steps
    YA contemporary

    I'm really having fun with this NaNo project. It's always a good sign when your characters make you laugh out loud as you're writing, right? (Or is that just a sign of a raging ego in the writer?) This is slowly growing into my favorite story so far. I love it almost as much as I love my first novel (the one I'm querying now)! So even if I don't "win" NaNo, I'm calling myself a winner just for starting to write it!

  9. I "won" on the 20th but have a lot of editing to do before it's done. Am letting it marinate for a time.
