Saturday, November 10, 2012

CLC's First Annual Best Books Bash!! (2012)

Because I don't have enough to do this month (yeah right!), I thought we'd start something new! And the best part is we can do it EVERY YEAR!

As writers, it's VERY IMPORTANT that we read, read, read!!!!! So let's celebrate this at the end of each year by having....

CLC's Best Books Bash!!!

Starting in November and ending after the first week of December (the 7th), we'll have nominations. During this time you can come nominate your favorite books from that year. Remember that last part. They have to be released during the same year of the CLC BBB. (I will also take books released during December of the previous year.)

Then after all the nominations come in, we'll start the vote and find the best books of the year (as per CLC's fabulous followers :)

So get to nominating by entering the titles into the form below. I'm allowing you each two MG/YA favorites and two ADULT favorites, but you CAN leave any of the title spaces empty.

*Please only vote one time!




  1. I clicked submit before I entered my full name or other books in the categories D:

  2. Go ahead and vote again and put a star (*) by your name. :)

  3. It was HARD narrowing down the choices to only my 2 favorites!!
