Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Adult Threesome Contest Entry #1

Genre: Fantasy
Word Count: 100,000

When pursued by a sexy, blue-eyed immortal, an eighteen-year-old girl is bound to swoon. Dawn’s no exception—until reality, in the form of a soccer ball, hits her in the face and reminds her she’s related to infamous immortal traitors.

She runs screaming in the opposite direction.

But Kalan, the sexy immortal, follows and takes a psychic peek inside her mind. His intrusion unleashes Icy, a semi-psychopathic entity who’s been living trapped and dormant in Dawn’s head since birth. Icy’s ecstatic to be free and celebrates by mentally dropkicking Kalan into unconsciousness.

Dawn rushes home to get help from her older sisters—the same treasonous relatives who put her in this situation in the first place. But her sisters are gone and all evidence shouts kidnapping by someone from the immortal realms that parallel Earth. Dawn charges off to save them, but ends up nabbed herself.

Dawn’s captor, Guinevere, wants her to steal a powerful charm from Kalan. Dawn’s not qualified to steal bubble gum, much less a well-guarded charm. But, to her surprise, Icy makes her the perfect candidate to rob Kalan. And, just in case Dawn doesn’t want to help, Guinevere can always chop off Dawn’s sisters’ heads as a little extra motivation.
First 250:

Don’t look, Dawn. You know what happens when you look.

I looked up. It was inevitable. When you tell yourself not to do something, you usually do the exact opposite.


The park vendors swarmed me like a pack of rabid dogs. Their voices tore into me, snarling off sales pitches.

“A beautiful necklace for a beautiful—”


“Would you like a subscription to The Vigrith—?”


“Mini glow-in-the-dark helicopters for sale! Buy ‘em by the dozen.”

“What? No. Why the hell would I want twelve glowing helicopters?”

I didn’t wait for a reply. I walked as fast as I could without drawing attention. Luckily, the tiny carts were only set up at one entrance to the park. Turning into a large clearing, I glanced around for Cassie before settling at an empty picnic table.

Unfortunately, I didn’t find one in the shade. The heat was bearable, but the sun had me worried. Ultraviolet rays plus white girl equaled a burn no amount of aloe vera could soothe. Hey, at least I had a gorgeous view...

Who was I kidding?

One half of the park had a dried-up garden with a statue of the plump Lady Fredericton; the other side had a few trees, twice as many picnic tables and a pathetically empty sand pit—

Power washed over me, rushing into my lungs like water. I focused on my surroundings. Stupid. I’d been stupid. Letting my mental barriers down was the epitome of stupid. The intruder left almost as soon as they came, but I still sensed them.


  1. Hi! I'd be happy to take a look. Please send query + 1st 50 to Submissions at SarahJaneFreymann dot com. Thank you!

    All best wishes,

    1. Thank you for your interest, Jessica. I've sent the query and first 50 your way.

