Friday, January 18, 2013

Conference Appointment with Pam van Hylckama Vlieg!!

Please find general information on the conference here.

Pam van Hylckama Vlieg (Larsen Pomada Literary Agents)

Interests: "High concept young adult in any genre. Middle grade in these genres: fantasy, science fiction, dystopian, paranormal, literary. Romance in these categories: historical, fantasy, and erotica. New genres:
 commercial science fiction, fantasy, and literary fiction. New Adult in all categories will be considered.

I am now open to submissions in upmarket women’s fiction and historical fiction. I’m looking for books with particularly well-developed characters and strong authorial voice. In historical fiction in particular I am particularly interested in books that bring the setting to life and that maintain balance between historical accuracy and strong plot choices. I am also very interested in mystery, fantasy, and occasionally romance approaches to these genres as well." - Please check the links above for more information. 

APPOINTMENT: 1/22 @ 9:00 am EST (check in all day)

Booking info:

PLEASE NOTE: The bidding DOES NOT open until 12 noon EST today (1/18). It will close at 8 pm EST on 1/19 or when the cap is reached.

This appointment will be capped at $30. The opening bid MUST start at $5 and every bid after that MUST be made in $2 increments (except the last) until the cap is reached or the bidding closes. 

Please include some kind of identification with your bid. Doesn't have to be your real name. 

*After bidding closes, I will post a comment with further directions for the winner.

**ANYONE with a complete manuscript that is un-agented can participate in this conference. The conference and contest are separate and they do not affect each other in any way. 

(Funds will be used for a local book donation. Thank you!)


  1. $9 Is bidding against yourself allowed? It doesn't seem fair because this one has been wide open until now and someone could have come in and just bid against themselves up to 30 without a problem.

    1. Bidding against yourself is only allowed for the last bid. Otherwise, no one would want to bid the second to last bid.


    2. Wow, you are quick on the draw, Cupid. Thanks for the clarification :) And you're right, we had a regular old standoff on Pam's last appointment.

    3. And thank you, Cupid, for removing the captcha for the bids. It's making it a little bit faster and easier.

  2. See what happens when you're busy typing. $13

  3. I think you can only bid against yourself if you placed the bid that took you to $27

  4. Hey Margie, I am not usually a roller derby kind of girl, and I'm feeling all of luck!!!

    1. You too! You've been knocking on this door twice and had it slammed it your face. I just keep missing the boat by thismuch.

  5. Yeah, and people keep coming to my door!!! StOOOOOOOP

    1. Seriously. My neighbor (who I love) keeps knocking on my literal door. I've tried twice to explain...

    2. LOL. I need to get a shower but I'm putting it off. Tactical delay.

  6. $30
    saillenotsallie at gmail dot com

  7. Whew. Margie, I'm sorry, honey. Can we still be tweeps?

    1. Of course! However, if you end up with a book deal, I'll need a mention ;)

    2. "To Margie, who was fatally wounded at the Battle of Mt. Olympus. No one could ask for a more loyal compadre."

    3. LOL. Not fatally, I live to fight another fight :)

    4. W00t! Am @Saille on twitter, btw. Found your blog but not your twitter handle.

    5. I am a much better detective than you. Bwhaha--or I get Cupid's twitter feed and you mentioned me. So, now we are officially the best of tweeps ;)

    6. This gives me warm fuzzes! :)

  8. Wow! See by thismuch. Congrats Saille, you were a worthy opponent--well, more than worthy, you won :)

  9. Winner! Saille!!!!

    Please email me and donate using the button on the blog.


    And great sportsmanship guys! Love it!

  10. Oh ha, that's EST huh? Well throughout the day is good because that's like 6am for me. I'll be in a bit later!

    1. Oh come on, Pam! 6 is nothing! LOL jk

      Yeah, whenever you can pop in throughout the day. :)
